Toggle navigation Load unfinished survey Resume later You have completed 0% of this survey 0% default Caution: JavaScript execution is disabled in your browser or for this website. You may not be able to answer all questions in this survey. Please, verify your browser parameters. Thank you for your participation in today's I-45 NHHIP Public Meeting. Please fill out the survey below.Gracias por su participación en la Reunión Pública de NHHIP I-45 de hoy. Por favor, rellene la encuesta a continuación. 1 Which of the following aesthetic features would you prioritize in the design of an arch bridge?¿Cuál de las siguientes características estéticas consideraría prioritaria en el diseño de un puente de arco? Choose one of the following answers Intricate artistic patterns / Patrones artísticos intrincados Minimalistic and modern design / Diseño minimalista y moderno Incorporation of local cultural elements / Incorporación de elementos culturales locales Natural landscaping on bridge approaches / Paisajismo natural en los accesos al puente 2 Which type of lighting would you prefer for an arch bridge in the evening?¿Qué tipo de iluminación preferiría para un puente de arco en la noche? Choose one of the following answers Subtle and warm ambient lighting / Iluminación ambiental sutil y cálida Colorful LED lighting for artistic effects / Iluminación LED colorida para efectos artísticos Classic white lighting for visibility / Iluminación blanca clásica para mayor visibilidad Adjustable lighting to suit different occasions / Iluminación ajustable para adaptarse a diferentes ocasiones 3 How important is it to you that an arch bridge reflects the historical and cultural identity of the surrounding community?¿Qué importancia tiene para usted que un puente de arco refleje la identidad histórica y cultural de la comunidad vecina? Choose one of the following answers Very important / Muy importante Somewhat important / Algo importante Neutral / Neutral Not important / No es importante 4 In terms of pedestrian experience, what feature would make an arch bridge most invitingEn términos de experiencia peatonal, ¿qué característica haría más atractivo un puente de arco? Check all that apply Wide pedestrian walkways / Pasos peatonales anchos Artistic installations along the pedestrian paths / Instalaciones artísticas a lo largo de los caminos peatonales Benches and resting areas / Banquetas y zonas de descanso Safety features such as railings and lighting / Elementos de seguridad como barandillas e iluminación Submit Load unfinished survey Resume later Please confirm you want to clear your response? Exit and clear survey ×